Code of Practice

Commitment to Fair Trade

To trade with concern for the social, economic and environmental well-being of marginalized producers in developing countries. This means equitable commercial terms, fair wages and fair prices. Unfair trade structures, mechanisms, practices and attitudes will be identified and avoided. To cooperate and not compete. To promote fair trade and social justice in the interest of the producer.


To openly share management policies, business practices, product sources, production, marketing and development programme plans on a regular basis.  This enables both members and organisation’s social and financial effectiveness. This openness is tempered with respect to sensitive commercial or political information.

Ethical Issues

To reflect in their structures a commitment to justice, fair employment, public accountability and progressive work practices. To seek the greatest possible efficiency at the lowest cost while involving workers in decision-making and management as appropriate to each organisation.  To aim for adequate income for workers to meet their basic needs, including health care, education and the capacity to save.

Working Conditions

To ensure a safe working environment that satisfied at a minimum all local statutory regulations. To provide the opportunity for all individuals to grow and reach their potential.  To ensure that work is carried out under humane working conditions, using appropriate materials and technologies, while following good production and work practices.

Equal Employment Opportunities

To oppose discrimination and ensure equality of employment opportunities for both men and women who suffer from the exploitation of their labour and the effects of poverty and racial, cultural or gender bias.

Concern for People

To promote development which improves the quality of life and which is sustainable for and responsible to both people and the natural world.  There will be no exploitation of child labour. Trading activities should not violate indigenous peoples’ claims on land or any resources of vital importance to their way of life.

Concern for the Environment

To encourage the trading of goods which are environmentally friendly. To manage resources sustainably and to protect the environment.

Respect for Producers’ Cultural Identity

To encourage production and development of products based on producers’ cultural traditions and natural resources. To promote producers’ artistic, technological and organisational knowledge as a way of helping preserve and develop their cultural identity.

Education and Advocacy

To promote fair trade by encouraging people to change consumption patterns based on issues of social justice and concern for the environment. To support campaigns or campaign for national and international policies that will improve the living conditions of the poor. To increase public and corporate consciousness of alternative trade as an effective means to change unfair international trade structures and attitudes. To increase awareness of cultural and traditional values in order to promote intercultural understanding and respect.